Page4 I. Background of The Fourth Chinese Net-surfer Network Consumption Investigation
Page5 III. Background
Page5 IV. Definitions
Page6 V. Summary
Page7 VI. Text
Page7 1. Survey of Domain Name Service
Page7 1.1. Diagram of Administration on Domain Name Registration and Service System
Page8 1.2. Basic Situation of International Top-level Domain Name
Page10 1.3. Development of Chinese Internet Domain Name
Page12 1.4. Development of Main Types of Domain Name in China
Page13 2. Analysis on Development of Worldwide Domain Name Hosting Market
Page13 2.1. Ranking of International Top-level Domain Name Market of Worldwide Main Countries in 2006
Page14 2.2. Market Size of Various Types of International Top-level Domain Name of the world in 2006
Page15 2.3. Characteristics of International Domain Name Market of the World in 2006
Page16 3. Analysis on Chinese Domain Name and Virtual Hosting Market
Page17 3.1. Number Contrast between Chinese International Top-level Domain Name and CN Domain Name in 2006
Page18 3.2. Market Size of Main Types of Domain Name in China in 2006
Page19 3.3. Market Size of Main Types of International Top-level Domain Name in China in 2006
Page20 3.4. Market Size of Various Types of Chinese CN Domain Name in 2006
Page21 3.5. Development of Chinese Website
Page22 3.5.1. The Distribution of Various Types of Website in China in 2006
Page23 3.5.2. The Distribution of Various Types of Website Under CN in China in 2006
Page24 3.5.3. The Top Ten of Various Regions of Website in China in 2006
Page25 3.6. Development of Chinese Enterprise Website
Page25 3.6.1. Scale of Chinese Enterprise Website
Page26 3.6.2. The Proportion Changing of Chinese Enterprise Website in Overall Websites
Page27 3.7. Development of Personal Website in China
Page27 3.7.1. Chinese Personal Website Scale
Page28 3.7.2. The Proportion Changing of Chinese Personal Website in Overall Websites
Page29 4. Analysis on Revenue of Chinese Domain Name and Virtual Hosting Market
Page30 4.1. Current Situation and Prospect of Chinese Domain Name Market Revenue
Page31 4.2. Development of Chinese Domain Name Number
Page32 4.3. Market Size of Main Types of Domain Name in China in 2006
Page33 4.4. Market Scale of Main Types of Domain Name in China in 2006
Page34 4.5. Current Situation and Prospect of Chinese Virtual Hosting Market Revenue
Page35 4.6. Development of Number of Enterprise Using Virtual Hosting in China
Page36 5. Analysis on Provider of Domain Name and Virtual Hosting in China
Page36 5.1. Market Size of Chinese Main Domain Name Provider in 2006
Page37 5.2. Domain Name Revenue of Chinese Main Domain Name Provider in 2006
Page39 5.3. Market Size of Chinese Virtual Hosting Provider in 2006
Page40 5.4. Revenue of Chinese Main Virtual Hosting Provider in 2006
Page41 5.5. Revenue Scale of Chinese Main Domain Name and Virtual Hosting Provider in 2006
Page42 5.6. Market Size of Chinese Main Domain Name and Virtual hosting Provider in 2006
Page43 5.7. Analysis on Provider of Server Automation Software
Page43 5.7.1. SWsoft
Page46 5.8. Survey of Domain Name Analysis and Website Location Provider
Page48 5.8.1. Analysis on HiChina
Page51 5.8.2. Analysis on Xinnet
Page53 6. Analysis on Net-surfer/Enterprise Domain Name Registration and Obtaining and Using of Website Location Information
Page53 6.1. Basic Situation of Enterprise Website
Page53 6.1.1. Analysis on Enterprise User’s Approach of Obtaining Domain Name and Website Location Information
Page56 6.1.3. Analysis on Enterprise User’s Changing of Domain Name and Website Location Provider
Page57 6.1.4. Analysis on Enterprise Website Space
Page58 6.2. Survey of Personal Website
Page58 6.2.1. Analysis on Personal User’s Approach of Obtaining Domain Name and Website Location Information
Page59 6.2.2. Analysis on Personal User’s Using of Domain Name Registration and Website Location Service
Page60 6.2.3. Analysis on Factors of Outsourcing Provider Personal User Focuses on
Page61 7. Analysis on Net-surfer and Enterprise’s Using of Domain Name Analysis Service
Page61 7.1. Analysis on Enterprise User’s Using of Domain Name Analysis Service
Page61 7.1.1. Analysis on Provider of Domain Name Analysis Used by Enterprise User
Page62 7.1.2. Analysis on Domain Name Used by Enterprise User
Page63 7.1.3. Analysis on Enterprise User’s Satisfaction with Provider of Domain Name Registration being Used
Page64 7.2. Analysis on Personal User’s Using of Domain Name Analysis Service
Page64 7.2.1. Analysis on Provider of Domain Name Analysis Used by Personal User
Page65 7.2.2. Analysis on Domain Name Used by Personal User
Page66 7.2.3. Analysis on Personal User’s Satisfaction with Provider of Domain Name Analysis being Used
Page67 8. Analysis on Net-surfer and Enterprise’s Using of Website Location
Page67 8.1. Analysis on Enterprise User’s Using of Website Location
Page67 8.1.1. Analysis on Provider of Website Location Used by Enterprise User
Page68 8.1.2. Analysis on Type of Website Location Used by Enterprise User
Page69 8.1.3. Analysis on Virtual Hosting Price Accepted by Enterprise User
Page70 8.1.4. Analysis on Enterprise User’s Consideration in Selecting Website Location Provider
Page71 8.1.5. Analysis on Enterprise Website’s Advanced Function
Page72 8.1.6. Analysis on Enterprise User’s Satisfaction with Provider of Website Location being Used
Page73 8.2. Analysis on Personal User’s Using of Website Location
Page73 8.2.1. Analysis on Provider of Website Location Used by Personal User
Page74 8.2.2. Analysis on Type of Website Location Used by Personal User
Page75 8.2.3. Analysis on Personal User’s Consideration in Selecting Website Location
Page76 8.2.4. Analysis on Personal User’s Satisfaction with Provider of Website Location being Used
Page77 9. Analysis on the Need of Net-surfer with no Website
Page77 9.1. Analysis on Prospect of Website Building by Net-surfer
Page78 9.2. Analysis on Needed Service in Website Building by Net-surfer
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