Page3 1. Definition & Categories of B2B E-commerce
Page3 1.1 Concept & Definition
Page5 1.2 Categories of B2B E-commerce Platforms
Page5 1.2.1 Dimension 1: Outside iSCM
Page6 1.2.2 Dimension 2: Within iSCM
Page7 2. Profile of Global B2B E-commerce Market
Page7 2.1 Global B2B E-commerce Transaction Scale
Page8 2.2 B2B E-commerce Transaction Scale in the US
Page9 2.3 China B2B E-commerce Transaction Scale
Page10 2.4 Comparison between China & US E-commerce
Page10 2.4.1 Beyond iSCM
Page12 2.4.2 Within iSCM
Page14 3. Analysis of Development Environment of B2B E-commerce in China
Page14 3.1 Development Stages of B2B E-commerce in China
Page16 3.2 Development Environment of B2B E-commerce in China
Page17 3.2.1 Positive Factors
Page19 3.2.2 Positive Factors
Page21 3.3 B2B E-commerce Application Situation in Chinese Enterprises
Page21 3.3.1 B2B E-commerce Platform Application Situation in Chinese Enterprises
Page22 3.3.2 Analysis of B2B E-commerce Demand by Chinese Small-to-medium Enterprises
Page24 4 B2B E-commerce Platforms in China
Page24 4.1 Commercial Models of Chinese B2B E-commerce Platforms
Page25 4.2 Service Modes of Chinese B2B E-commerce Platforms
Page28 4.3 Three Types of B2B E-commerce Platforms in China
Page29 4.4 Critical Competitiveness Indicators of Typical B2B E-commerce Platforms in China
Page31 5. Main Functions of Chinese B2B E-commerce Platforms
Page33 5.1 Comprehensive Industry B2B E-commerce Market Layout
Page34 5.1.1. Profile of Horizontal Platforms
Page35 5.1.2 Key Factors for Success of Horizontal Platforms
Page35 5.1.3 Dilemma of Horizontal Platforms
Page51 5.2 Industrial Vertical B2B E-Commerce
Page52 5.2.1 Summary of Vertical Platform
Page52 5.2.2 Profit Flow of Vertical Platform
Page52 5.2.3 Keys for Success of Vertical Platform
Page53 5.2.4 Dilemma of Vertical Platforms
Page54 5.2.5 Typical Enterprises for Specialized B2B E-Commerce Platforms within Industry
Page64 5.3 Comparison of Horizontal & Vertical E-commerce Markets
Page65 5.4 Market Structure of Foreign Trade B2B E-commerce
Page65 5.4.1 Typical Foreign Trade B2B E-commerce Platform Operators
Page75 6 Analysis of Investment Opportunity in China B2B E-commerce
Page75 6.1 Survey of Financing, M&A in China B2B E-commerce Sector
Page78 6.2 Future Development Trend of China B2B E-Commerce PlatformsPour commander un exemplaire de cette étude,
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